Admittedly, it’s awfully easy to be a big fan of autumn. No big stretch. Although we might not like everything that rolls around. Take the huge reactions to all things pumpkin spice – both euphoric and uber critical. I fall somewhere in the middle. I look forward to the Pumpkin Pie flavor returning to the Blizzard line-up at Dairy Queen, but I’m not ordering pumpkin spice lattes every day or buying pumpkin spice candles and air fresheners.
I wager many would join me in welcoming the cooler temperatures after the scorching heat and sweaty humidness of the summer months. Not feeling my shirt stick to my body makes my skin very happy. Throw in a brisk breeze to bring on a chill, and I’m ready to feel cozy in a long-sleeved shirt, fleece pullover, or light jacket.
In the Midwest, we are usually treated to a spectacular color display across the tree canopies, punctuated by spots of purple, gold, rust, burgundy, orange, and white in pots of mums, asters, and pansies. Then I’m motivated to bring out those colors in my seasonal décor throughout my home.
Then I realized that there are other reasons that I’m thrilled that it’s autumn. These reasons probably wouldn’t make the typical list, so I’m branding them quirky. But maybe you’ll find something familiar in some of them.
Reason 1: Crop Harvesting Videos
Bet I surprised you with this reason. Let me explain. My husband Dan started watching farming videos on YouTube a few years ago, and before long I was watching them, too. Just to level set, I’ve never lived on a farm or in a rural area, but my parents both grew up on farms (or at least had a few cows and grew a couple acres of corn). So, I have some understanding about farming basics.
But there is a lot to understand about the complexities of farm operations related to the harvest – for example, combines and other machinery, grain bins, moisture levels of the corn or beans – coupled with the unpredictability of weather, and these YouTube channels give us a real-life view of what farming takes. With the growing season winding down in the Midwest, it’s going to be exciting to see how well the farmers do with this year’s harvest, especially given the vast amounts of rain that delayed the spring planting season or washed out parts of fields.

Here are our favorite farm YouTube channels:
Millennial Farmer (corn and soybean farmer from West Central Minnesota)
Cole the Cornstar (corn and soybean farmer from Central Iowa)
Larson Farms (corn, soybean and black bean farmers from West Central Minnesota)
Field Rows (peanut and cotton farmers from northern Florida)
Reason 2: Scarecrow in the Corn Field

Decorating for the season gets me excited for any new season. I’m lucky enough to have outdoor spaces where I can add some autumnal charm as well as on the usual shelves, tabletops and walls inside the house. So, when September and early October roll around, I dig out a cute metal scarecrow on spikes, allowing it to stand upright in the landscaping. To further set the scene, I grab two metal cornstalks to flank the scarecrow. I look forward to setting up this little cornfield vignette. Yes, it’s a bit hokey, I concede. I prefer to think of that little scarecrow as my autumn mascot.
Reason 3: A Sweet Taste of Autumn
This third reason is the fault of my sweet tooth, especially if it’s anything with caramel. A traditional autumn sweet treat is caramel apples. I like them, but I don’t like how messy they can be to eat. When I spied a limited-edition variety of caramel apple-flavored candies from Werther’s Original, I had to buy a bag of these soft caramel chews. The touch of apple favor comes through in a big way amidst the sweet caramel. I was hooked after tasting the first one! Now, I keep my eyes open for these candies each autumn.
The limited edition flavors of Werther's Original soft caramel candies: Caramel Apple, Pumpkin Spice, Cinnamon Crème and Maple Crème.
If you’re a pumpkin spice lover instead, you’re in luck! The company also makes a pumpkin spice variety of soft caramel chews. Cinnamon or maple more your taste? Then look for the Cinnamon Crème and Maple Crème flavors. They are all tasty, but I’ll “stick” with the Caramel Apple variety.
Reason 4: Warm and Cozy Toes
For most of the year, I’m a barefoot girl – especially in the house. By the time autumn rolls around, however, I’m more than happy to slide some soft socks on my feet for a little extra warmth. Most of my warm-weather socks are boring solid black, but I have a few fun pairs in other colors and patterns – like black and red buffalo checks, soft gray with two-tone pink and red hearts, and soft pink with gray toes, heels and cuffs. But I will be on the lookout for some more fun colors to add to my sock drawer.

If it’s quite chilly, I’ll break out my slippers for extra warmth. Most of the time, all I need are those cozy socks when I’m hanging out at home. What is your go-to footwear in the house for cooler days and nights?
Reason 5: Leg Hair Don’t Care

Yes, from the subheading above, you’ve probably guessed my last quirky reason for loving autumn (and it also applies to winter). After many decades of shaving my legs, I’ll find any excuse to dodge that chore! With cooler temperatures, I’m switching out shorts and capris for long pants. Since my legs are fully covered, I have the perfect excuse to ignore my razor in the shower. Fortunately, Dan doesn’t ever complain about the “extra texture,” and our two cats could care less (or so I assume).
I told you these reasons were quirky, but they help me embrace the many aspects about autumn that I enjoy so much. Now excuse me while I grab a couple caramel apple candies, slip into some comfy socks, and check out how the harvest is going.
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~ Heather M. and Jodi B.
Fun post! Crop harvesting videos are new to me, but what a cool way to see how our food travels. As far as cozy slippers go, I’m breaking in a pair of indoor-only Birkenstock shearling Arizonas. Cheers to the golden season and to FrSq’s 100th post! Laurie B.
Hahaha, some of this made me laugh! Didn't see the crop harvesting videos coming, and bright orange Glerups 100% wool slippers are my indoor tootsie toasters from Sept-April. Happy Autumn from someone who dons SAD light therapy glasses around the same time as slippers! Oh, and congrats on the big 100! - Jan S
Werther's caramel apple candies are a favorite of mine too! Since we shop in different locales, I'll let you in on my supply secret, Jodi! I find them consistently (and usually empty their shelf) at Dollar Tree! Yum! Happy autumn to you. -Karen G.